Wednesday 14 August 2013

Postcard from Midland

Jay has known Cilla from his childhood.  His Mum and her became good friends after giving birth to their children on the same day.  This friendship has also lasted, despite becoming a long distance one when Cilla and her family moved to Midland, Michigan around thirty years ago.  Jay visited here when he was fifteen and always promised that he would one day return.
And here we were, fulfilling that promise!
Four things really stood out here:
- The Farmer's Market: Our first day here saw us mingle with the locals at the market place.  Everything looked so fresh and colourful.  Nobody seemed to mind us wandering and taking pictures.
- The 'Tridge':  A three way bridge that met over the middle of a river and another opportunity to take some more pictures!
- Dow Gardens:  Some of the prettiest gardens I ever saw!  And that was after visiting the gardens in Windsor just a few days before.  Here, we were able to take our time peacefully, watching Alfie run around freely and just soaking up time spent together as a family.
- Hot Air Balloons: Sadly, we were not in it!  On our last evening at Cilla's though, whilst sitting together eating dinner, we could sense some commotion outside against the backdrop of a noise that was unfamiliar.  As we approached the driveway and looked up we were completely taken aback to find a hot air balloon travelling very low, above the house.  Close enough to make eye contact with the couple inside the basket, we waved enthusiastically to them and watched in awe as Alfie looked up to this unfamiliar sight.  As we looked around, we could see that it was not the only one in the sky.  It was a spectacular sight to see.  What a way to finish up our time in Midland.
We loved it here and we loved spending time with Cilla who had so kindly opened up her home to us.

Thank you Midland!  We are SO glad we came!

Kate x

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