Thursday 8 August 2013

Postcard from Detroit

Detroit was an exciting visit for us.  Regardless of what we were to do here or the memories that were waiting to be made, we knew we'd love it here - mainly because we were meeting a good friend of ours who had stayed with us back home a number of years ago.  Tyler had been to the same college as Debra and due to the fact that he had stayed with us, we feel like we got to know him a lot more than we would have otherwise.
Detroit is having it's fair share of trials lately.  The economy is slow and people are leaving in droves.  It was sad seeing such beautiful houses and expensive streets, completely deserted as owners have left to start new lives elsewhere.  Many of these areas must have been stunning in their time.  Sadly though, it's not the case these days and if it ever returns to it's former glory, it will take many years to get there.
It wasn't all bad though!  There were still many beautiful places to explore here, in particular the Ford Family Estate, which housed a beautiful little 'playhouse' (pictures to follow) that was the perfect size for Alfie.  He had a wonderful time, opening Alfie-sized doors and sitting in Alfie-sized chairs.  You could see him marvelling at all the things that are usually completely out of reach.  It was one of those moments where you stop thinking about everything except what might be going through the mind of an inquisitive toddler.

It was great seeing Tyler again.  His family (including his new wife, Jessica) were so hospitable and generous with their time whilst we were with them.  We were so fortunate to have met them.  Alfie loved them so much and just like he'd found a friend in Debra's Dad the previous week before - he's found another friend in Tyler's Dad.
Happy, happy memories........

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