Sunday, 30 December 2012


Alfie - sitting in his car, watching a program on TV...... about a car!!! ;) xx

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Newberry Gathering 2012

We hear so much about Christmas being a time that brings people together.
For me, it's one of the best bits - and something, which I hope Alfie will also grow to appreciate....
After sadly missing the Erickson 'get together' on Boxing Day there was determination all round to get ourselves fit and healthy for the Newberry Gathering.  And whilst neither of us were feeling particularly fit or healthy, we got ourselves there........ and Alfie loved it!!
With most of our family managing to make it, it was the perfect way for us to round off an incredible year.  I love my family....... and as my Uncle poignantly reminded us [[[cue a few tears .... every .... time ....]]], our much-loved/much-missed/always-remembered grandparents loved nothing more than family get togethers....... and they always made sure we had one at Christmas!  There was every reason to keep our family tradition going despite the huge gap we often feel by their absence.  Somehow, being all together helps us in some small way to honour their legacy.

Oh boy, I miss them......

I miss them seeing things like this......

.... and this....

....and this.....

.....and of course, this.....

....and especially this......

(..... though I'm sure Nan would notice the lack of four legged friends in this picture!!)

Yes...... we miss them dearly.
But the truth in the message of Christmas gently whispers to our hearts, reminding us that we will one day be re-united with them in a most glorious place.   For now........ we have our precious memories.  
We adored them then and we cling on to our precious memories now.
May each and everyone of you find your peace this Christmastime.......

Thursday, 27 December 2012

A (not so) Happy Christmas

Well, Jason waking up to an empty house on Christmas morning was not supposed to happen.....

And me waking up with Alfie in hospital was definitely not supposed to happen either......

And I could have absolutely done without a nasty bout of flu that refused to leave me all week!!

But hey.... plans always change when there is a baby around!
Once we were at the (newly refurbished) Children's Hospital in Cardiff, it was quickly confirmed that Alfie had a bad case of croup.  
Our little man with all his smiles, giggles and baby gurgling talk sounded more like an angry seal......

He was one very sad and unhappy little boy....

But we couldn't have asked for more caring people looking after him!  
They even made sure Santa knew where to find him!!!  After a tough, tough night, it was so lovely to see a little pile of presents sitting next to Alfie's cot.  Such a surprise!!!  
And when Jay came in with Alfie's presents from home...... he certainly started to look more like himself again!!!  Phew!!!!!!!!!!

Despite Christmas this year being overshadowed by illness, there were some moments that made us smile.....

Like when I opened this handmade present from my Mum and Dad!!

Or when Alfie first saw his train set from Nana & Grampy Newberry!!
(All those bits and pieces to play with)

Or when Miss Ellie first saw Alfie's train set from Nana & Grampy Newberry!!
(All those bits and pieces to play with)

But I especially loved it when I knew I had absolutely 100% nailed Jay's present this year!!

It turned out to be a special Christmas after all - even if I had to watch it all from under a blanket on the settee.


Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Message

Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas

Wishing everyone who passes this way a very 
Happy Christmas!!! 
Always remember the reason for the season!!!

Love from Jay, Kate & Alfie-Jay
(& of course, Miss Ellie!!)


And..... some bloopers!
(Just incase anyone thought for a second that working with children and animals was easy and not frustrating whatsoever!!! hee hee!!!)

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Autumn/Winter Days...

After the craziness of the last few weeks, we knew we needed to spend some precious time together this morning.  Life has been one crazy day after another recently and as fun as that's been (kind of.... but mostly tiring!), this morning's walk at Cosmeston in Penarth was 
completely awesome.  
Has anyone else been there recently?

Miss Ellie loved the fresh air and the wide open 
space to run.
And Alfie seemed to love everything about this 
beautiful Autumn day......

..... eventually deciding that the world is a far nicer place to look at when you're upside down.......


 [[[shame you can't see my heart exploding with love...... right there!!]]]